Saphenion®: Covid Booster-Impfung und Krampfadern

Welche Auswirkungen hat eine Covid-Impfung mit mRNA-Impfstoffen auf das Immunsystem und dann auch auf Gefäße. Diese Frage stellt sich uns und unseren Kollegen seit 10 Monaten immer wieder und wurde auf unserer Website auch schon intensiv duskutiert. Nunmehr ergibt sich erneut eine fragile Situation, da weitere Impfungen, sog. Booster-Impfungen, deren notwendige Anzahl zwischen 2 und 8 Impfungen variieren, empfohlen werden und dann auch gesetzlich vorgeschrieben werden sollen.
What effects does a Covid vaccination with mRNA vaccines have on the immune system and then also on blood vessels? We and our colleagues have been asking this question again and again for 10 months and it has already been discussed intensively on our website. A fragile situation now arises again, since further vaccinations, so-called booster vaccinations, the necessary number of which vary between 2 and 8 vaccinations, are recommended and should then also be prescribed by law.

Saphenion®: Memories of Sauerbruch

And the idea grew in us to do a little historical work on the subject of minimally invasive varicose vein therapy, and so we began with the necessary research in the specialist literature. So we were all the more surprised when we discovered that the idea of ​​gluing wasn’t all that new. And now PD Lahl told – rather casually – that until 1968 he had also worked with glucose solutions. This is exactly what we found in our research and this is exactly what led us back to Ferdinand Sauerbruch. Admittedly, it was more of a coincidence, and admittedly, a very small star in the big sky of surgery, but still very interesting and belonging to the present day.