Saphenion®: Vein glue versus radiofrequency therapy – 7 years comparison

Vein glue versus radiofrequency therapy – 7 years: For more than 20 years now, truncal varicose veins has increasingly been treated endovenously with catheter support. It all began with the rather cumbersome VNUS® Closure process and the easier-to-use linear laser. This was followed in 2006/2007 by the bipolar RFITT® catheter and the VNUS® ClosureFast system as well as the radial laser. However, it should be said that following historical medical truth, endovenous sclerotherapy has been developed and used since 1911. And already in the late 20s, many surgeons in Germany used the gluing technique with sugar solutions. Also, Ferdinand Sauerbruch of the Charitè hospital in Berlin was a friend of this method.

Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue

Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue – has been published by us in regular succession for 10 years and aims to compare international publications on the subject with our own experiences and to remain meaningful. Our patients are now very well informed about this therapy method for varicose veins, which has been offered for 13 years.

After 151 months of use, we have so far treated 2193 patients on 4586 saphenous veins – over 1,1 Mio. patients worldwide have now been treated with the vein glue VenaSeal®. In the meantime, we have successfully used the vein glue VenaSeal® to clean the vein system in 67 patients with COVID-19 infection after they have recovered, and have treated 74 patients with ulcera crures of legs successfully.

Saphenion®: Krampfadertherapie beim Lipödem

Saphenion®: Krampfadern beim Lipödem – welche Verfahren sollten empfohlen werden? Gibt es – wie in Werbeannoncen zu lesen – ein Zurück zum seit 116 Jahren durchgeführten radikalchirurgischen Herausziehen (Stripping)? Oder haben sich die modernen, seit nunmehr 25 Jahren im klinischen Einsatz befindlichen Katheterverfahren (Radiowelle, Venenkleber, Laser etc.) als bessere, effektivere, schonendere Alternative durchgesetzt?
Saphenion®: Varicose veins in lipoedema patients – which procedures should be recommended? Is there a return to the radical surgical stripping that has been carried out for 116 years – as has been the case several times recently in advertisements from clinics or also – advertised in specialist articles by surgical colleagues? Or have the modern catheter procedures (radio wave, venous glue, laser, etc.) that have been in clinical use for 25 years now established themselves as better, more effective, gentler alternatives?

Saphenion®: Mikroschaumverödung für Krampfaderästhetik

Saphenion®: Mikroschaumverödung für Krampfaderästhetik – Der Mikroschaum zur Behandlung von Krampfadern ist seit 1938 bekannt, er hat sich in den 90er Jahren als feste Therapie von Krampfadern und Besenreisern etabliert. Das Behandlungsmanagement des Krampfaderleidens wurde eindeutig erleichtert und die Therapie wurde schonender. Seit 2010 hat sich neben dem Mikroschaum eine Variante entwickelt, die heute eine breite Indikation der Mikroschaumtherapie abbildet – der Klebende Mikroschaum.

Saphenion®: Microfoam in varicose vein aesthetics – Microfoam for treating varicose veins has been known since 1938. It was established in the 1990s as a fixed therapy for varicose veins and spider veins. The management of the treatment of varicose veins was made easier and the therapy was gentler. In addition to microfoam, a variant has been developed since 2010 that today represents a broad indication of microfoam therapy – Sealing Microfoam.

Saphenion®: Therapie Fremdkörperreaktion Venenkleber

Saphenion®: Therapie Fremdkörperreaktion Venenkleber – Unsere Praxis begann als dritte Praxis in Deutschland, nach Prof. Pröbstle in Mannheim und Dr. Alm in Hamburg, ab 1.8.2012 mit der Therapie von Stammkrampfadern mit dem Venenkleber „VenaSeal“.
Als vordergründige Nebenwirkung des Verfahrens traten in den ersten 2 Jahren vermehrt Gefäßentzündungen auf – zunächst als Allergien angesehen – inzwischen aber als Fremdkörperreaktion definiert.
Saphenion®: Foreign body reaction vein glue therapy – Our practice was the third practice in Germany, after Prof. Pröbstle in Mannheim and Dr. Alm in Hamburg, to start treating truncal varicose veins with the vein glue “VenaSeal” on August 1, 2012.
The primary side effect of the procedure in the first two years was an increase in vascular inflammation – initially regarded as allergies – but now defined as a foreign body reaction.

Saphenion®: Häufige Fragen von Patienten

Saphenion®: Häufige Fragen von Patienten – durch einen großen Zufall habe ich meinen alten Kollegen aus Zeiten der Ausbildung an der Charitè Berlin, Prof. Thomas Bürger, in Rostock wieder getroffen. Er hatte bei einem Spaziergang am Ostufer der Warnow das Gemälde seines Vaters an unserem Praxisgebäude gesehen – und inzwischen arbeitet er bei uns schon fast 2 Jahre.

Saphenion®: Frequently asked questions from patients – by a great coincidence, I met my old colleague from my training days at the Charitè Berlin, Prof. Thomas Bürger, again in Rostock. He had seen his father’s painting on our practice building during a walk along the eastern bank of the Warnow – and he has now been working with us for almost 2 years.