Saphenion®: 151 Monate Langzeittherapie Venenkleber – 4586 Venen therapiert

Unsere Saphenion® News möchte in kurzer Form die Vorteile des Venenklebers „VenaSeal®“ darstellen und über unsere nunmehr 151 Monate Erfahrungen bei der Therapie an 4586 Stammkrampfadern berichten.

Our Saphenion® News would like to briefly present the advantages of the vein adhesive “VenaSeal®” and report on our 151 months of experience in the treatment of 4586 truncal varicose veins.

Saphenion®: Vein glue versus radiofrequency therapy – 7 years comparison

Vein glue versus radiofrequency therapy – 7 years: For more than 20 years now, truncal varicose veins has increasingly been treated endovenously with catheter support. It all began with the rather cumbersome VNUS® Closure process and the easier-to-use linear laser. This was followed in 2006/2007 by the bipolar RFITT® catheter and the VNUS® ClosureFast system as well as the radial laser. However, it should be said that following historical medical truth, endovenous sclerotherapy has been developed and used since 1911. And already in the late 20s, many surgeons in Germany used the gluing technique with sugar solutions. Also, Ferdinand Sauerbruch of the Charitè hospital in Berlin was a friend of this method.

Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue

Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue – has been published by us in regular succession for 10 years and aims to compare international publications on the subject with our own experiences and to remain meaningful. Our patients are now very well informed about this therapy method for varicose veins, which has been offered for 13 years.

After 151 months of use, we have so far treated 2193 patients on 4586 saphenous veins – over 1,1 Mio. patients worldwide have now been treated with the vein glue VenaSeal®. In the meantime, we have successfully used the vein glue VenaSeal® to clean the vein system in 67 patients with COVID-19 infection after they have recovered, and have treated 74 patients with ulcera crures of legs successfully.

Saphenion®: Häufige Fragen von Patienten

Saphenion®: Häufige Fragen von Patienten – durch einen großen Zufall habe ich meinen alten Kollegen aus Zeiten der Ausbildung an der Charitè Berlin, Prof. Thomas Bürger, in Rostock wieder getroffen. Er hatte bei einem Spaziergang am Ostufer der Warnow das Gemälde seines Vaters an unserem Praxisgebäude gesehen – und inzwischen arbeitet er bei uns schon fast 2 Jahre.

Saphenion®: Frequently asked questions from patients – by a great coincidence, I met my old colleague from my training days at the Charitè Berlin, Prof. Thomas Bürger, again in Rostock. He had seen his father’s painting on our practice building during a walk along the eastern bank of the Warnow – and he has now been working with us for almost 2 years.

Saphenion: SimultanTherapie Krampfader und Baker-Zyste

Saphenion: SimultanTherapie Krampfader und Baker-Zyste? Zugegeben, diese aussergewöhnliche Kombination verschiedener Therapien simultan in einer Sitzung sind eher nicht die Regel. Es ist aber schon erstaunlich häufig, daß wir bei den standardisierten Ultraschall-Untersuchungen der Beinvenen auf der Suche nach Krampfadern auch Baker-Zysten an den Kniegelenken sehen. Nach unseren eigenen Zahlen liegt diese Befundkombination bei ca. 5% aller bei uns untersuchten Patienten vor.

Saphenion: Simultaneous therapy for varicose veins and Baker’s cyst? Admittedly, this extraordinary combination of different therapies simultaneously in one session is not the norm. But it is surprisingly common that we also see Baker’s cysts on the knee joints during standardized ultrasound examinations of the leg veins in search of varicose veins. According to our own figures, this combination of findings is available in approx. 5% of all patients examined by us.

Saphenion®: 20 Jahre RFITT-Radiowellenkatheter

Saphenion®: 20 Jahre RFITT-Radiowellenkatheter In der Krampfadertherapie – und seit 2008 auch bei der Therapie der Bakerzyste von Kniegelenken im Einsatz: Die in Deutschland von den Krankenkassen immer noch als einzige schulmedizinische Therapiemethode betrachtete radikalchirurgische Stripping-OP hat sich zwar in den letzten Jahren operationstechnisch und instrumentell verbessert, bleibt aber ungeachtet dessen immer eine radikale OP-Methode mit all ihren Nachteilen und Nebenwirkungen. Bereits seit 1906 – also über 119 Jahre – wird diese Methode eingesetzt.

Saphenion®: 20 years of RFITT radio wave catheters In varicose vein therapy – and since 2008 also used in the treatment of Baker’s cysts in knee joints: although the radical surgical stripping procedure, which is still considered the only conventional treatment method by health insurance companies in Germany, has improved in terms of surgical techniques and instruments in recent years, it still remains a radical surgical method with all its disadvantages and side effects. This method has been used since 1906 – 119 years ago.