Saphenion® Rostock: Venenkleber versus Radiowelle:

Venenkleber versus Radiowelle – 135 Monate: Seit nunmehr fast 25 Jahren wird die Varikosis zunehmend kathetergestützt endovenös therapiert. Am Anfang stand das recht umständliche VNUS® Closure-Verfahren und der einfacher bedienbare Linearlaser. Darauf folgten 2006/2007 der bipolare RFITT®-Katheter und das VNUS® – ClosureFast System sowie der Radiallaser.

Gesagt werden sollte aber der medizinsch historischen Wahrheit folgend, dass bereits seit 1911 endovenöse Verödungstherapien entwickelt und eingesetzt wurden. Und bereits Ende der 20er Jahre setzten in Deutschland viele Chirurgen die Verklebungstechnik mit Zuckerlösungen ein. Auch Ferdinand Sauerbruch und sein Oberarzt Bierendempfel von der Berliner Charitè waren Freunde dieser Methode.

Saphenion®: Outpatient Endovascular Interventional Society National Registry

Saphenion®: Outpatient Endovascular Interventional Society – We were asked for a Review of an article describing this great theme of modern vascular therapy.
We are feeling honored – here is our answer:

Saphenion®: Muscle vein varicosis and intermittent claudication

SaphenionScience: Muscle vein varicosis – is there a risk of arterial blood flow? Because varicose muscle veins are signs of advanced varicose vein disease of the skin veins and the perforator / connecting veins. Important too – muscle veins do not carry venous valves, so they can not defend themselves against the pathologically high pressure of the varicose veins.

Saphenion®Rostock: Ambulantes Operieren Auslaufmodell?

Der Anteil geplanter Ambulanter Operationen am Gesamtaufkommen liegt in Deutschland zwischen 10-30%, dies ist im Ländervergleich extrem gering. Nach Aussagen der Studie fehlt hierzulande das öffentliche Bewusstsein und Interesse. Ebenso wird das Ambulante Operieren weder wesentlich gefördert oder separat finanziert.

Saphenion®: Berlin a center for vascular surgery

Saphenion®: Berlin a center for vascular surgery – The beginning: The development of vascular surgery on a scientific basis only began in the last third of the 19th. century. It is true that the Greeks, Romans, and Arabia as well as at the time of the European Renaissance carried out experiments on the „blood-carrying tubes of the human being“ and described some therapeutic procedures for hemostasis and removal of dilated veins.
Berlin surgeons made a major contribution to the formation and development of vascular surgery – particularly to the treatment of varicose veins. At the beginning of the 20th century, the city of Berlin began to develop into a center for the new field of „vascular surgery“.

Saphenion®: Memories of Sauerbruch

And the idea grew in us to do a little historical work on the subject of minimally invasive varicose vein therapy, and so we began with the necessary research in the specialist literature. So we were all the more surprised when we discovered that the idea of ​​gluing wasn’t all that new. And now PD Lahl told – rather casually – that until 1968 he had also worked with glucose solutions. This is exactly what we found in our research and this is exactly what led us back to Ferdinand Sauerbruch. Admittedly, it was more of a coincidence, and admittedly, a very small star in the big sky of surgery, but still very interesting and belonging to the present day.