Saphenion: Turning Time at Charité – a documentary on the elite exchange
Saphenion: Turning Time at the Charité – a documentary about the exchange of elites 35 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall
Saphenion®: Turning Time at Charitè – The Berlin Charité, Germany’s well-known hospital, was at the same time a center of research, teaching, and further education. It was part of the university, which was given the name Humboldt in GDR times. After the end of the GDR a considerable exchange of management personnel took place in the Charité, the media supplied the accompanying music with Stasi hysteria and scandal stories. The Charité, also in GDR times nationally and internationally a well-known university hospital, now seemed to have been a branch of the MfS and the Politbureau in public perception.
Some of the headlines read: „Dr. Stasi, please in the OP! They always lead even the scalpel – the rope of death Stasi doctors at the famous clinic of Mercy
The West German „doctors newspaper“ was there: „There Doctors of the Charité have not only been involved in criminal practices of organ procurement … but have also lent a hand in which they have consciously quickly determined the death of potential organ donors.
… „And the ARD magazine“ Panorama „: In psychiatry, even forced castrations and brain mutilations have been made …
The magazine Spiegel also whistled this tune:“ The East Berlin Charité, once a renowned Clinic of the SED regime, was firmly in the hands of Mielke Stasi. Charité doctors denounced sisters and colleagues, betrayed patient histories, and participated in human experiments and criminal practices to procure organs.
Prof. Johann Gross has tried to shed light on the dark background of all these evil calls by writing a book with many facts and explanations of the processes at the Berlin Charité from 1989 to 1995.
And it proves – also, in this case, it was about completion of the so-called GDR elites and free spaces of jobs for so many colleagues from the Against the background of the current discussion about a so-called „Ossi quota“ in leadership functions and top offices of the parties and organizations of the FRG, this retrospective is certainly suited to the 30-year imbalance in the presence East German elites in the context of recent history In light of its own history, the author tries to make a – incomplete – re-listing in the field of medicine.

Saphenion®: Turning Time at Charitè – Our VascularCenters – emerged from the events of these years
The author of this news was from 1982 – 1988, a student of the Humboldt University in Berlin in medicine and knows all in the book named as a lecturer and later as a colleague personally. Also, the specialist training in the field of surgery, he received after approbation and doctorate from 1988 to 1994 at the Berlin Charitè. Already on 10 11.1989 in the early morning hours, it was clear when looking from the west bank of the Spree on the bed tower of the Charité, that now probably the end of this hospital has come and it rolled many bitter tears.

Saphenion®: Turning Time at Charitè – that then experienced, however, all dodgy expectations in the hade. Black lists, the dismissal of highly capable professors and senior physicians, and then their threat of dismissal ….The author was confronted with it in 1993 – continued employment was questioned. Up to that point, life planning envisaged vascular surgical training and habilitation with Prof. Klaus Bürger, the diploma and doctoral supervisor. On his initiative, the author became active in the evaluation committee of Humboldt University and also applied for a Gauck report. In March 1994 Prof. Bürger offered to continue his work and to lead a habilitation after both the Gauck report and the evaluation by the honor committee of the HUB had been positive.

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Fotos: Dr. Ulf Th. Zierau