76 Months Long Time Experience with the VenaSeal – System in Treatment of Truncal Varicose Veins.
A Follow-Up Study Conducted on 2091 Truncal Saphenous Veins in 1128 Cases
Ulf Th Zierau Med. Vascular Surgery, Vein Care Center, Saphenion, Berlin, Germany
The paper is about long-time experiences in sealing truncal varicose veins: 76 month-follow up in treatment of 1128 cases and 2091 truncal varicose veins. Since 19 years by now, varicosis has been increasingly treated endovenously. At the start, the rather inconvenient VNUS®Closure plus-procedure and the more convenient linear laser procedure were used, and these were followed in 2006/2007 by the bipolar RFITT – catheter, the VNUS Closure Fast – system and the radial laser. Thus, in the course of the last few years, plenty of experience has been gatheredwith endoluminal therapy, quality criteria have been defined andstandards for the different techniques have been developed. The present research paper sheds light on the advantages and disadvantages and presents the 76-months results of a single-center ambulatory clinical study with prospective design. We will report about our experiences and results of a prospective comparative study of VenaSeal -Closure in the treatment of 2091 saphenous veins (1441 greater saphenous vein, 547 smaller saphenous veins, saphena akzessoria lateralis veins in 59 cases, saphena akzessoria medialis veins in 38, Giacomini veins in 2 and femoropopliteal veins in 4 cases). Treatment included also ulcera crures in 12 cases (Figure 1).
Keywords: Sealing truncal varicose veins, 76 months long time experiences in VenaSeal, non-tumescent non thermal endovenous therapy, endovenous therapy of varicose veins.