Saphenion®: Venöses High Noon – Krampfaderthrombose/Embolie

Das Krampfaderleiden ist zunächst als eine funktionell – chronische Erkrankung anzusehen. Die bestehende pathologische Funktion – defekte, nicht schliessende Venenklappen – führt über die Jahre zu chronischen Veränderungen der Haut, Unterhaut und auch der Muskulatur. Sichtbare Veränderungen der Haut haben unterschiedliche Ausprägungen – von der Besenreiser – / Netzvaricosis bis zur kräftigen Seitenast – oder Stammkrampfader.
Varicose vein disease should initially be regarded as a functional chronic disease. The existing pathological function – defective, non-closing venous valves – leads over the years to chronic changes in the skin, subcutaneous tissue and also the musculature. Visible changes to the skin can take different forms – from spider veins / reticular varicosis to large lateral branch or truncal varicose veins.

Saphenion®: Covid-19 and varicose

It is very important to us – as vascular surgeons – to point out that Covid-19 is not the first virus with these significant thromboembolic – sometimes fatal – side effects. There are other risk factors! And in any case, this includes the varicose veins, which are generally not considered so much from a disease perspective. From the point of view of the viral complication, these represent an easy point of attack and are the cause of very rapid thrombosis and embolism.