Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue

Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue – has been published by us in regular succession for 10 years and aims to compare international publications on the subject with our own experiences and to remain meaningful. Our patients are now very well informed about this therapy method for varicose veins, which has been offered for 13 years.

After 149 months of use, we have so far treated 2180 patients on 4553 saphenous veins – over 1,1 Mio. patients worldwide have now been treated with the vein glue VenaSeal®. In the meantime, we have successfully used the vein glue VenaSeal® to clean the vein system in 66 patients with COVID-19 infection after they have recovered, and have treated 73 patients with ulcera crures of legs successfully.

Saphenion®: Turning Time at Charité – Elite exchange

Saphenion®: Turning Time at Charitè – The Berlin Charité, Germany’s well-known hospital, was at the same time a center of research, teaching, and further education. It was part of the university, which was given the name Humboldt in GDR times. After the end of the GDR a considerable exchange of management personnel took place in the Charité, the media supplied the accompanying music with Stasi hysteria and scandal stories. The Charité, also in GDR times nationally and internationally a well-known university hospital, now seemed to have been a branch of the MfS and the Politbureau in public perception.

Saphenion®: 121 Monate Klebender Mikroschaum

Saphenion®: 121 Monate Klebender Mikroschaum – es wird die Weiterentwicklung der Mikroschaumtherapie beschrieben. Klebender Mikroschaum ist eine Modifikation des zur Verödungstherapie allgemein eingesetzten Ethoxisklerol – Mikroschaums. Mit dem Erfolg des Venenklebers lag die Idee nah, den Mikroschaum weiter zu entwickeln. Veröden und Kleben simultan ist eine der möglichen Variationen.
Saphenion®: 121 Months Sealing Microfoam – the further development of microfoam therapy is described. Adhesive microfoam is a modification of the ethoxisclerol microfoam generally used for sclerotherapy. With the success of the vein glue, the idea of further developing the microfoam was obvious. Simultaneous sclerotherapy and gluing is one of the possible variations.

Saphenion®: Compression after VenaSeal

A vacuum-compression therapy after varicosis therapy is not yet standard. In some cases, it is applied again and again after radical surgical or thermal op techniques. in cases of nonthermal therapy it is possible and effective!

Saphenion®Rostock: Unser VenaSeal®-Vortrag

Nach unseren nunmehr über 12 Jahren Arbeit mit dem Venenkleber VenaSeal® lässt sich mit Fug und Recht sagen, daß diese Therapie – Methode die bisher eindeutig positivsten Ergebnisse und Resultate, wie auch fachlichen Erfahrungen und Patientenreaktionen gebracht hat. Wir führen diese Therapie nunmehr seit 145 Monaten durch, das ist ein Zeitraum, der nahezu der Hälfte unserer gesamten ambulanten Tätigkeit in der Gefäßmedizin entspricht.

After more than 12 years of working with the VenaSeal® vein sealant, it is fair to say that this therapy method has clearly produced the most positive results and outcomes to date, as well as professional experience and patient reactions. We have now been carrying out this therapy for 145 months, a period which corresponds to almost half of our entire outpatient activity in vascular medicine.

Saphenion®: The Endovenous „Saphena“ – Views into the Golden Twenties

Saphenion®: The Endovenous „Saphena“- We will try to give an overview of the historical development of the varicose vein treatment. You will agree after a short time with the words of Minkiewicz  (1862): „Comparative studies of all surgical procedures recommended against varices“ (25) that „the quantity of some healing methods proposed in surgical and therapeutic practice against certain diseases either proves that the former has not yet been sufficiently researched or that the actual healing method is yet to be discovered. This applies to a large extent to varices and the usual „operation methods“ “ and we will try to describe the first therapeutical revolution from radical surgery to the endovenous therapy of varicose veins in the Twenties. We will show our ideas, mistakes, and experiences considering the historical development.