Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue

Saphenion®: long-time results of vein glue – has been published by us in regular succession for 10 years and aims to compare international publications on the subject with our own experiences and to remain meaningful. Our patients are now very well informed about this therapy method for varicose veins, which has been offered for 13 years.

After 149 months of use, we have so far treated 2185 patients on 4567 saphenous veins – over 1,1 Mio. patients worldwide have now been treated with the vein glue VenaSeal®. In the meantime, we have successfully used the vein glue VenaSeal® to clean the vein system in 66 patients with COVID-19 infection after they have recovered, and have treated 74 patients with ulcera crures of legs successfully.

Saphenion®: Allergie auf Venenkleber?

Saphenion®: Allergie auf Venenkleber? In einigen wenigen Fachkommentaren, Vorträgen und Artikeln von venenchirurgisch tätigen Kollegen wird immer wieder vor der Entstehung einer Allergie auf den beim Venenkleber verwendeten Cyanoacrylates gewarnt.
In a few specialist comments, presentations, and articles by phlebological active colleagues is repeatedly warned against the emergence of an allergy to the cyanoacrylate used in the vein glue.