Saphenion®: Behandlung von Krampfadern im Sommer?

Saphenion®: Behandlung von Krampfadern im Sommer? Dank neuer minimalinvasiver sanften Behandlungstechniken mittels Klebenden Mikroschaums (Sealing Foam) oder des seit nunmehr 13 Jahren praktisch erfolgreich eingesetzten Verklebers VenaSeal® sind aber nun auch Eingriffe in den warmen Monaten, in den Sommerferien der Kinder oder auch vor einem Urlaub am Meer möglich. Venenkleber und Mikroschaum ermöglichen eine Behandlung der Krampfadern auch bei strahlendem Sonnenschein.
Thanks to the technique of sealing varicose veins, which has been practised for 13 years, interventions on the truncal veins are possible at any time in all seasons. Lateral varicose vein side branches, reticular veins and spider veins can now also be treated in the warm months. It is only advisable to avoid long sunbathing for a short time. Compression therapy is also no longer necessary in many cases.

Saphenion® – Varicose veins in children/adolescents

The tendency to varicose veins is already innate in over 90% of our patients. So, it is not the defective venous valve that turns the vein into a varicose vein, it is the defective vein wall that leads to the expansion of the cutaneous veins and thus sooner or later to the defective venous valve and thus to the development of the varicose veins. Young people are also affected to some extent. The congenital lack of venous valves, which is also possible, is a very rare exception.