Saphenion®: Interessante Patientengeschichten beim Venenkleber

Wir möchten im Folgenden 2 Patientengeschichten vorstellen, die kontrastreicher nicht sein könnten. In einem Fall wurde ein massiv übergewichtiger, herzkranker und mit mehrfachen Beinvenenthrombosen belasteter 55 – jähriger Mann mittels Venenkleber therapiert. Im zweiten Fall wurde ein junger Mann, schlank, sportlich und Solotänzer am Michailowskie – Theater in St. Petersburg mittels VenaSeal® Kleber ebenfalls an Krampfadern behandelt.
In the following, we would like to present 2 patient stories that could not be more contrasting. In one case, a massively overweight 55-year-old man with heart disease and multiple venous thromboses in his legs was treated with vein glue. In the second case, a young man, slim, athletic, and a solo dancer at the Michalsky Theater in St. Petersburg was also treated for varicose veins using VenaSeal® vein glue.

Auch Chirurgen bekommen Krampfadern!

Auch Chirurgen bekommen Krampfadern – Im Jahre 2008 war es, ich bekam in einer Krampfader zum wiederholten Male eine Venenentzündung.
In 2008 Ive got a phlebitis inside a varicose side branche again, the second time.

Scholarly Journal of Surg 2018 Volume 1: 2

Since 19 years by now, varicosis has been increasingly treated endovenously. At the start, the rather inconvenient VNUS®Closure plus-procedure and the more convenient linear laser procedure were used, and these were followed in 2006/2007 by the bipolar RFITT – catheter, the VNUS Closure Fast – system and the radial laser. Thus, in the course of the last few years, plenty of experience has been gatheredwith endoluminal therapy, quality criteria have been defined andstandards for the different techniques have been developed.